Graduated from high school in Marshalltown, Iowa, in 1967.
Graduated from Iowa State University (college) in 1971.
Spent 3 years after college working road construction, saving some money.
Bought a motorhome in the mid 1970s and began traveling around the United States. Worked on riverboats to make money. Traveled around the country for about ten years.
Late 1980s I started working as a park ranger in New Mexico.
In 1991 I began working as a park ranger for the US Army Corps of Engineers in central California. I retired from that job in 2011.
Wrote two books that were published. In 1988 I published “How I Learned Soul Travel” by Terrill Willson (pen name) which is a book about out-of-body travel. In 1998 I published “Dream Travel” by Terrill Willson (pen name) which is also about out-of-body travel.